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High-Efficiency Furnace Upgrades

RPR Heating and Air Conditioning excels in the installation of high-efficiency furnaces, providing precise sizing, efficient installation, ongoing maintenance, and environmentally conscious solutions. With a personalized approach and transparent communication, RPR ensures customers receive top-tier service, energy savings, and lasting comfort with their new furnace.

Best Upgrade For: Older, inefficient gas furnaces.


Key Factors to Consider When Selecting a New Furnace

When purchasing a new furnace, there are many aspects to consider. The team at RPR Heating will explain your options and help you make the best decision for your home.

  • Energy Efficiency (AFUE Rating): Look for the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating, which indicates the furnace’s efficiency in converting fuel to heat. Higher AFUE ratings signify greater efficiency.
  • Size and Heating Capacity: Ensure the furnace’s heating capacity matches the size of your home. An undersized or oversized furnace can lead to inefficiency, discomfort, and increased energy costs.
  • Variable-Speed Blower Motor: Opt for a furnace with a variable-speed blower motor. This feature adjusts the speed based on heating demands, providing consistent temperatures and better energy efficiency.
  • Programmable Thermostat Capability: Ensure compatibility with programmable thermostats for better control over temperature settings, schedules, and energy savings.
  • Quiet Operation: Look for furnaces with noise-reducing features, such as insulated blower compartments and variable-speed motors, for quieter operation.
  • Warranty Coverage: Check the manufacturer’s warranty for coverage on parts and labor. Longer warranty periods often indicate the manufacturer’s confidence in the furnace’s durability.
  • Air Quality Features: Some furnaces come with advanced air filtration and purification features, improving indoor air quality. This is especially beneficial for individuals with respiratory concerns.
  • Installation by Certified Professionals: Ensure professional installation by certified HVAC technicians. Proper installation is crucial for the furnace’s performance, efficiency, and safety.
  • Different Stages: Furnaces with two-stage gas valves operate at a lower capacity most of the time, providing quieter and more efficient heating. They switch to high capacity only during extreme cold. Modulating furnaces take it a step up, and continuously adjust the amount of heat they produce. These furnaces use sophisticated technology to modulate the flame and gas valve, allowing them to match the exact heating requirements at any given moment.